[多项选择]患者,女性,30岁。双眼睑肿胀1年,无眼红、眼痛。检查:双眼视力1.0,双眼睑明显肿胀,以外侧明显,无压痛。双眼睑外上方可触及分叶状无痛性包块,质软。眼球轻度突出,眼球各方向运动正常。角膜透明,前房深度正常,晶状体透明,眼底检查未见异常。双侧腮腺可触及明显肿大。本病的治疗方案是() A. 针对病因或原发病进行治疗 B. 应用抗菌药物治疗 C. 皮质激素治疗 D. 手术治疗 E. 放射治疗
第27题: [单项选择]“size up” in the talk means ______. A. make a correct measure of B. make a considered estimate of C. make a beautiful design of D. make a quick understanding of 参考答案:B 答案解析:[详细解答] size up出现在“The prudent person is one who size up a situation and decide,or discern,what is th