第8题: [单项选择]女孩,12岁。经常患感冒和肺炎。体检:心前区隆起,无震颤,胸骨左缘第2肋间可闻及2/6级喷射性杂音,P2>A2伴有固定分裂,心电显示电轴右偏,V1呈rsR’波型,Rv114mm,Pv12mm,P-R间期0.16s。该患儿典型X线改变是() A. 肺动脉段突出,肺门血管影增粗,主动脉影缩小 B. 肺动脉段突出,肺门血管影增粗,主动脉弓增大 C. 肺纹理减少,肺野清晰 D. 肺野呈网状肺纹理 E. 肺纹理增多,肺充血 参考答案:A
第27题: [单项选择]What does the woman suggest A. That the man should not take a rest. B. That the man should not go to the beach. C. That the man should have a longer rest. D. That they should go together. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] M: I ought to have a rest at the beach for two days. W: Why not for two weeks