第14题: [简答题]Title: To Improve Tourist Industry in China. Word limit: Not less than 200 words 参考答案:To Improve Tourist Industry in China Nowadays,tourist industry has been a flourish field in the world wide. It is more and more obvious that tourist industry functions as a main driven power for the development of economy,the Situation of employment,and the promotion of culture and environment. And in China,tourist industry has been one of the support industries. However,tourist industry seems to develop in a blind way without any concrete conceptions or thoughts in China. It displays in following aspects:the lag of ideas and management,the lack of intelligent people and innovation,and so on. In my eyes, the ailing situation can be improved by a certain ways. First,brand is the key point. Having a review of the Chinese tourist enterprises,you Will find most of them operate in the same way. A fail of characteristics results in its unknown 10 the world. SO developing individuality serves effectively in showing itself Secondly,making use of network is another way to get out of the embarrassing condition. Foreigners always find that Chinese tourist market is in a mess, which means without any market order, reception standard,fixed service model or service image. So only through the network can these points be well-ordered and fair. Besides,this task needs efforts both from the government and the firms themselves
第18题: [单项选择]肺心病患者高度水肿,PaCO260mmHg,心率114次/分,下列治疗较为合理的是()。 A. 洋地黄化,并用少量镇静剂 B. 毒毛花苷K静注,并用氟唑菌酰胺 C. 毛花苷C静注,并用普萘洛尔 D. 洋地黄化,并用地塞米松 E. 毒毛花苷K静注,临时使用少量利尿剂 参考答案:E
第31题: [单项选择]统计调查中获得的单个调查对象的资料,不得()。 A. 用于统计资料的汇总 B. 用于统计资料的审核 C. 用于统计资料的检查 D. 用于统计以外的目的 参考答案:D 答案解析:《统计法》第二十五条规定:"统计调查中获得的能够识别或者推断单个统计调查对象身份的资料,任何单位和个人不得对外提供、泄露,不得用于统计以外的目的。"
第34题: [单项选择]女性,52岁。因肝区胀痛伴寒战、高热5天入院,体温39.2~39.8℃,大量出汗,食欲下降。查体:右上腹轻压痛,肝区叩击痛(+)。B超提示右肝后叶一6cm×7cm大小低密度病灶,胆总管结石。既往有胆石症和2型糖尿病史。应保证病人在高热期间每天至少摄入的液体量为() A. 500ml B. 1000ml C. 2000ml D. 3000ml E. 4000ml 参考答案:C