第23题: [单项选择]A. Because every species becomes extinct. B. Because humans beings are powerful enough to kill other species. C. Because of over-population. D. Because though human being is still a young species, it is exploiting the environment. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] Why is the professor not so sure humans will never become extinct
第25题: [单项选择]对挖方高边坡进行稳定性评价时,下述()不正确。() A. 边坡稳定性评价宜综合采用工程地质类比法,图解分析法,极限平衡法和数值分析法进行 B. 对规模较大的碎裂结构岩质边坡宜采用数值分析方法进行 C. 边坡稳定性计算时的非正常工况主要指暴雨,连续降雨或地震等工况 D. 对于一级公路路堑边坡稳定性验算时,非正常工况工时的安全系数宜取1.10~1.20 参考答案:B