第25题:[多选题]以下属于红线禁令的是()。 A. 邻近带电体上下传递物件未使用绝缘绳索;等电位作业人员与地电位作业人员未使用绝缘工具或绝缘绳索传递工具和材料;配电带电作业,作业人员同时接触两个非连通的带电体或同时接触带电体与接地体。 B. 未按照“月计划、周安排、日管控”落实电网运行、设备运维检修、施工作业等风险控制措施要求。 C. 酒后进入作业现场,酒后作业、值班、驾驶;无证驾驶、毒驾等。 D. 违章指挥,强令员工冒险作业。 参考答案:ACD
A. most of the gifted children became white collars. B. Half of the gifted followed up graduated from all colleges. C. Each of the talented published at least one article. D. Bright men got higher income than bright women. 参考答案:D 答案解析:average income was considerably higher among the gifted people,especially the men,than for the count