第20题: [单项选择]What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps?() A. Absorb erosion of high velocity discharge stream B. Seal pump shaft against entry of air C. Isolate the discharge side from the suction side D. Dampen the turbulent discharge flow 参考答案:C
第22题: [单项选择]弱碱性药物在酸性乳汁中 A. 解离多,重吸收多,排泄慢 B. 解离少,重吸收多,排泄慢 C. 解离多,重吸收少,排泄快 D. 解离少,重吸收少,排泄快 E. 解离少,重吸收多,排泄快 参考答案:C 答案解析:弱碱性的解离与pH有关,在酸性尿液中容易解离,呈离子状态不易转运,故重吸收少,排泄快。