第5题: [单项选择]Passage Three Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.[A] They want the teachers to resign. [C] They are very sympathetic toward the strike. [B] They want the teachers to return to work. [D] They are refusing to comment on the situation. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] What is the present position of the Parent Board regarding the strike
第8题: [多项选择]设本案中乙是某高校大二学生,缺少资金,甲乙约定分5期付款,每期600元,于每月月底支付。乙如约支付了4期,但最后一期未能支付,甲多次催告乙仍无力支付。则甲: A. 可以解除合同 B. 可以退回货款,收回电脑,并要求乙支付几个月的电脑使用费 C. 可以要求乙支付违约金和滞纳金,但不能解除合同 D. 以上说法都不对 参考答案:A,B 答案解析:【测试点】 分期付款买卖合同。 【解析】 《合同法》第167条规定,分期付款的买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款的五分之一的,出卖人可以要求买受人支付全部价款或者解除合同。 出
第13题: [单项选择]After some time the second stage of the space shuttle, having used up its fuel, just like the booster, separates and ______. A. runs away B. charges for C. falls off D. merges into 参考答案:C 答案解析:fall off下降,跌落,句意:过了一些时候,航天飞机的第二级由于用光了燃料,就像助推器,脱开然后落下。A.run away潜逃,私奔,失去控制;D.charge for收费,要价;D.merge