第5题: [多项选择]Is competition important or not Why 参考答案:Suggested answers: a.Planning is important in doing business. Planning is the manager’s decision-making function, requiring the ability to select from alternative courses of action. It involves determining the firm’s objectives and the methods (policies or strategies) that will be used to achieve them. It also requires preparation of a schedule that anticipates when various goals will be met. Managers must be able to forecast the social and economic climate in which they will operate and how they will use the available resources to attain their goals under various conditions. b.Planning is necessary. Managers have to make predictions. Good planning is vital to business success. If the management wants to keep pace with a changing world, what are the things that could be done differently What are the things that could be clone better If managers just keep on doing what they have done in the past, their organizations will become static. In fact, if the field in which they operate is a competitive one it will soon lose their place and not even hold their own. c.Good managers view their business as a challenge to their creativity. A little forward planning can save you a lot of expense. They should develop new ideas, combine old ideas into new ones, adapt ideas from other fields, and stimulate others in their organization to think creatively as well. That’s planning. Good planning recognizes the ever-changing environment in which a concern operates, and it considers how to adjust an organization to these changing conditions. 答案解析:[解析] planning计划,规划。adapt使适应,适应,改写,改编。decision-making做决策。stimulate激励,刺激,促使。static静止的,停滞的。
第8题: [单项选择]维持正常人体健康不可缺少的必需微量元素是() A. 铁、钴、碘、锌 B. 硒、钼、钴、锰 C. 氟、铜、铁、锰 D. 以上都是 E. 以上都不是 参考答案:D
第9题: [单项选择]甲与其妻子乙合谋骗财。甲将乙多次“卖”给他人为妻,得款后二人便逃之天天,下列对于甲、乙的行为说法正确的是 ( ) A. 甲构成拐卖妇女罪,乙构成重婚罪 B. 甲构成诈骗罪,乙构成卖淫罪 C. 甲构成拐卖妇女罪,乙构成卖淫罪 D. 甲、乙均构成诈骗罪 参考答案:D 答案解析:本案中甲与乙合谋以拐卖妇女的方式骗取他人财物,符合《刑法》第266条的规定。刑法中没有卖淫罪的规定。根据我国《刑法》第180条的规定,重婚罪的构成,必须有主观上明知对方有配偶而与之结婚,不符合本案情况
第17题: [单项选择]关于ACEI与AT1受体拮抗药用于慢性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)正确的是() A. ACEI比AT1受体拮抗药更彻底阻断了血管紧张素Ⅱ的作用 B. ACEI长期用于CHF比AT1受体拮抗药疗效好 C. 两者都可引起咳嗽的不良反应 D. 两者不可以合用 E. ACEI出现严重不良反应时,不能用AT1受体拮抗药替代 参考答案:B
第18题: [单项选择]中度昏迷与深昏迷最有价值的鉴别是() A. 不能唤醒 B. 大小便失禁 C. 无自主运动 D. 深浅反射均消失 E. 各种刺激无反应 参考答案:D
第26题: [单项选择]首先用自身的收入抵补支出,不足部分由财政拨付的事业单位属于()。 A. 自收自支预算管理单位 B. 全额预算管理单位 C. 社会公益性事业单位 D. 差额预算管理单位 参考答案:D 答案解析:按照财政资金的供给方式及管理办法,通常可将事业单位分为全额预算管理单位、差额预算管理单位和自收自支预算管理单位。差额预算管理是首先用自身的收入抵补支出,不足部分由财政拨付,其列入国家预算的仅是自身收支
第33题: [单项选择]可用于肠热下利的方剂有 A. 葛根芩连汤、黄连解毒汤、升麻葛根汤、大承气汤 B. 黄连解毒汤、升麻葛根汤、大承气汤、半夏泻心汤 C. 升麻葛根汤、大承气汤、半夏泻心汤、大柴胡汤 D. 大承气汤、半夏泻心汤、大柴胡汤、蒿芩清胆汤 E. 半夏泻心汤、大柴胡汤、蒿芩清胆汤、芍药汤 参考答案:A