参考答案: 参考范文 You are welcome to XinHua shop,Miss Michelle.You said that you’d like to buy a recorder.Now let me introduce an excellent type. The TianXing recorder is the latest product of RuiXin Recorder Factory, which has a history of forty years。The TianXing recorder is developed after scores of years of hard work.Operated by computer,it is very light,and easy to carry.Its price is cheaper than that of the British products of similar types.It is certainly a wise choice to buy a recorder like the TianXing.Any-one who has a TianXing recorder can take really excellent enjoyment.
第17题: [单项选择]将入侵检测系统部署在DMZ区域中,以下不属于这种部署方式优点的是 (41) 。 A. 可以查看受保护区域主机被攻击的状态 B. 可以检测防火墙系统的策略配置是否合理 C. 可以检测DMZ被黑客攻击的重点 D. 可以审计来自Internet的对受保护网络的攻击类型 参考答案:D 答案解析:[要点解析] 如果将入侵检测系统(IDS)部署在防火墙的非军事区(DMZ)中,只有穿透了防火墙的攻击才能被入侵检测系统监听到,网络管理员可以清楚地看到哪些攻击真正对自己的网络构成威胁。如果入侵检测系统