第1题: [单项选择]诊断成人腰椎结核最可靠的依据是() A. 低热盗汗、乏力、食欲不振 B. 贫血、血沉增快 C. 腰痛、活动困难、棘突叩痛 D. X线片示椎间隙窄,椎体邻缘模糊 E. 结核菌素试验阳性 参考答案:D 答案解析:椎间盘组织无血运,很容易为结核病变所破坏。脊柱结核病人典型的X线片表现是受累椎体密度不均、椎间隙变窄或消失。
A. must be shown in pictures B. must be advertised a lot C. is attractive to customers D. is always full of humor 参考答案:C 答案解析:从文中这句话the name should create interest,Rhymes(押韵)and humor are some ways to gain interest,but there a