第10题: [多项选择]随机漫步理论认为( )。 A. 证券价格波动在一定场合是有规律可循的 B. 证券价格的下一步将走向哪里是没有规律的 C. 证券价格上下起伏的机会差不多是均等的 D. 证券价格的波动和外部因素无关 参考答案:B,C 答案解析:[解析] 随机漫步理论认为,证券价格的波动是随机的,下一步将走向哪里没有规律可循,故A项说法错误、B项说法正确。证券市场中,价格的走向受到多方面因素的影响,一件不起眼的小事也可能对市场产生巨大的影响,
第18题: [简答题]What cross-cultural differences can you find between English and Chinese thanks 参考答案:
Differences exist in what to thank for, how to thank others and whom to thank. English speakers usually express their gratitude for both minor and major favours others have done them, while Chinese speakers may omit the expressions of gratitude for minor favours. English speakers think it enough to say "Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help." when a major favour has been done them, while in the same situation Chinese speakers may express their gratitude repeatedly. In English culture people thank their family members for what they have done for them, while in Chinese culture family members seldom exchange expressions of gratitude.