第15题: [单项选择]房地产投资决策中常见的期权问题不包括( )。 A. 等待投资型期权 B. 放弃型期权 C. 成长型期权 D. 成熟型期权 参考答案:D 答案解析:房地产投资决策中常见的期权问题包括①确定合理的开发时机(等待投资型期权),②决定是否放弃投资机会或项目(放弃型期权),③决定是否开发一些成长型项目(成长型期权)
第20题: [简答题]part 2 & 3
Describe a popular music in your country
How is the music industry developing in your country
Do you think the taste in music of the people in your country is changing
What is the difference between the taste in music of old and young people