第13题:[单选题]2.A small nation is one: A.A.which does not affect world price by its trading B.B.which faces an infinitely elastic world supply curve for its import commodity C.C.whose consumers will pay a price that exceeds the world price by the amount o f the tariff D.D.all of the above 参考答案:D
第18题: [单项选择]A plow is a farm ______ used to break the soil before seeds are planted. A. instrument B. appliance C. device D. implement 参考答案:D 答案解析:implement工具,器具,泛指做某种工作所必需的工具、器件或装置,通常用来指家具。instrument工具,仪器,乐器,多指精致的或科学与艺术上所用的。appliance用具,器具,指某种专用的或