[单项选择]1 nautical mile is the lenth of an arc of a great circle which subtends an angel of()at the center of the Earth. A. 1degree B. 1 minute C. 1second D. 1.5 degree
第9题: [单项选择]Conversation Two A. Their relationships with the professors. B. Their financial aid packages. C. Their light school load. D. Their rich extracurricular activities. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] What makes the students at Princeton University the happiest ones
第24题: [单项选择]李女士,47岁,患风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄6年余,近日上呼吸道感染后出现心力衰竭表现,即乏力,稍事活动就心慌、憋气,伴有食欲不振、肝区胀痛;双下肢轻度水肿,双肺底湿啰音,心率128次/分。 护士应如何指导病人休息( ) A. 活动不受限制 B. 从事轻体力活动 C. 增加睡眠时间,可起床做轻微活动 D. 卧床休息,限制活动量 E. 严格卧床休息,采取半卧位 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 心功能分为四级:Ⅰ级:体力活动不受限制。Ⅱ级:体力活动轻度受限,日常活动可引起气急、心悸。Ⅲ级:体力活动明显受限,稍事活动即引起气急、心悸,有轻度脏器淤血体征。Ⅳ级:体力活动重度受限,休息时