第1题:[判断题]. (判断题,)Poor product quality and low productivity are hidden costs associated with basing production in a foreign location. A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A Learning Objective: 17.-02. Explain how country differences; production technology; and product features all affect the choice of where to locate production activities.
第28题: [单项选择]女,29岁,娱乐业从业人员,既往体健,近3个月反复出现口腔黏膜白斑,涂片及培养均有白色念珠菌生长。体检:体温37℃,颈部、腋下及腹股沟均触及直径1cm左右淋巴结,无压痛,与周围组织无粘连。外周血白细胞4.2×10 9/L,中性0.72。目前最有价值的辅助检查是 A. 血糖检测 B. 血清补体C3水平检测 C. HIV抗体检测 D. 骨髓穿刺检查 E. 血清免疫球蛋白水平检测 参考答案:C