A. Because he likes diving. B. Because he wanted to find a job as a dive master there. C. Because he worked for the World Service. D. Because he was assigned to Madagascar. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]8-10 Chris: I've heard that you used to work for the BBC, is that true Erwin: Yes, that
第24题: [多项选择]患者男性,3岁,因“腹泻”来诊。门诊医师开具环丙沙星注射液50ml,静脉滴注,药师按医嘱抄写注射单。药房环丙沙星注射液规格为100ml(0.2g)/瓶。少量滴注时,患儿开始哭闹,注射部位肿胀,护士重新进针后把100ml环丙沙星全部滴注。回家后患儿哭闹不安,患者家属咨询专业人员后,状告医院并要求经济赔偿。儿童不宜使用的药物有() A. 青霉素 B. 四环素 C. 头孢拉定 D. 诺氟沙星 E. 氯霉素 F. 阿莫西林 G. 红霉素 参考答案:B, D, E