[单项选择]I have never been to France, but that is the country ______. A. where I like to visit most B. I’d most like to visit C. which I like to visit mostly D. where I’d like most to visit
第22题: [单项选择]可出现脊髓神经牵拉或压迫的症状()。 A. 长期不治疗脊柱侧凸 B. 不可逆性侧凸 C. S状脊柱侧凸 D. 可逆性脊柱侧凸 E. 脊柱侧凸已稳定 参考答案:A 答案解析:确定脊柱侧凸是否稳定,一般根据X线检查。16岁时髂骨翼上骨骺连接成帽形,即示脊柱侧凸已达到稳定期,否则为不稳定期。手术治疗时间应于稳定期后。脊柱侧凸典型X线正位片显示三个侧凸,亦称S状畸形,中间侧凸为