第27题: [单项选择]女性,12岁,发现肉眼血尿伴水肿3天,血压150/97mmHg;每日尿量约300ml,尿常规:隐血+++、蛋白+、红细胞>200爪/高倍镜视野、可见红细胞管型。血肌酐180mol/L(正常70~106mol/L),血尿素氮16mmol/L(正常1.78~7.14mmol/L),血清补体C3值0.43g/L(正常0.85~1.70g/L),B超双肾基本正常。该病最主要的治疗是()。 A. 糖皮质激素 B. 细胞毒药物 C. 血浆置换 D. 休息、对症治疗 E. 使用敏感抗生素 参考答案:D
第28题: [单项选择]Terry is going to Hawaii next month because A. he has to make a fortune there in Hawaii. B. he has to visit his aunt and look after her properties. C. his old aunt is expecting his company. D. he is asked to help her to move all her properties. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
W: Do you know Terry is going to move to Hawaii Next month
M: His aunt is too old and inte
第29题: [单项选择]根据ICD-10,人格障碍的要素之一是()。 A. 行为模式贻害周围 B. 人格某些方面显著减弱 C. 青年起病 D. 临床症状至少持续一年 参考答案:A