第1题: [单项选择]—What did Maria say — (). A. Maria said that she likes their uniforms. B. Maria said that she doesn’t like their uniforms. C. Maria said that she didn’t like their uniforms. D. Maria said that she was like their uniforms. 参考答案:C
第7题: [多项选择]关于溶胶的叙述正确的有() A. 是热力学不稳定体系 B. 是动力学不稳定体系 C. 有布朗运动 D. 为均相分散体系 E. 分散相质点不下沉 参考答案:A, C, E 答案解析:溶胶外观澄明,但具有乳光,属于高度分散的热力学不稳定体系。溶胶因分散质点小、分散度大、布朗运动强,分散相质点能克服重力作用而不下沉,具有动力学稳定性。