A. They will not adopt the next steps unless all such incidents are halted. B. They will never adopt the next steps. C. They will fight back. D. They will call for a talk between Israel and Palestine. 参考答案:A 答案解析:由“Israeli leaders say that unless all such incidents are halted,they will not adopt the next steps”所
第15题: [单项选择]Why were female cats usually employed by the Post Office A. They could work for 24 hours a day. B. They were worse hunters. C. They were more persistent hunters. D. They worked the whole night. 参考答案:C
第24题: [单项选择]国家药品监督管理局负责监督的项目() A. 对药品的研究、流通进行行政监督和技术监督 B. 对药品的研究、生产、流通、使用进行行政监督 C. 对药品的研究、生产、流通、使用进行行政监督和技术监督 D. 对药品的研究、流通、生产、使用进行技术监督 E. 对药品的生产、使用进行行政监督和技术监督 参考答案:C
第33题: [单项选择]男,58岁,患有慢性支气管炎并阻塞性肺气肿。近日因感冒咳喘加重,并有低热。就诊前2小时突然喘息加剧,出大汗,用解痉止喘药均不能缓解。体检:喘憋状态,口唇紫绀,左肺叩诊过清音,右肺鼓音,右肺呼吸音消失,左侧呼吸音增粗并有少量干啰音 经急救后病情有所缓解,缓解的体征之一是______ A. 右侧胸廓饱满 B. 右肺叩诊鼓音 C. 右肺呼吸音逐渐恢复 D. 左肺叩诊鼓音 E. 左侧胸廓饱满 参考答案:C