第23题: [单项选择]Where goods are stowed on deck without the shipper’s consent,the()is alone responsible for its loss by jettison,because he has placed them in a dangerous position in violation of his undertaking to carry them safely. A. Charterer B. Shipowner C. Cargoowner D. Merchant 参考答案:B
第31题: [多项选择]旅游投诉一般应当采取书面形式,一式两份,并载明下列事项()。 A. 投诉人的姓名、性别、国籍、通讯地址、邮政编码、联系电话及投诉日期 B. 旅游合同签订地 C. 被投诉人的名称、所在地 D. 旅游投诉处理机构名称 E. 投诉的要求、理由及相关的事实根据 参考答案:A, C, E