第7题: [单项选择]脾破裂容易引起的休克类型是( ) A. 过敏性休克 B. 神经源性休克 C. 感染性休克 D. 创伤性休克 E. 低血容量性休克 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解析] 脾破裂造成机体短时间内大量失血,有效血容量锐减,引起低血容量性休克。
第8题: [单项选择]李师傅和徒弟小刘一周内加工出三百多个零件,小刘在装箱时计算出这批零件若每箱装12个,就多11个;若每箱装18个就少1个;若先按每箱装15个,则最后装的7箱每箱要多加2个,李师傅和小刘这周内共加工了多少个零件 A. 325 B. 343 C. 359 D. 369 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 若每箱装15个最后7箱装了(15+2)×7=119个零件,则这批零件数加1可被12、15、18整除,12、15、18的最小公倍数为180,故这批零件共有180×2-1=359个。
第9题: [多项选择]我国“十五”时期,进口商品战略的主要内容______。 A. 积极引进先进技术 B. 组织重点建设物资的进口 C. 组织加工贸易物资的进口 D. 组织生活必需品的进口 E. 组织高档商品的进口 参考答案:A,B,C,D
第25题: [简答题]Topic : There have been instances of students humiliating (侮辱) their teacher at school. What do you think is the cause for such happenings 参考答案:[参考范文]
Why Students Humiliate Their Teacher
With reform of teaching method and progress of society,students’query of theirteachers are increasing,and there even have been instances of students humiliating theirteacher at sch001.This embarrassing situation has aroused tremendous arguments.I thinkits causes are manifold. For such embarrassing situation of students humiliating their teacher,I think parents of such students cannot shrink their responsib.¨ties.They may have paid too much atten tion on their businesses,and overlook moral education of their children,which caused their disrespect towards their teacher. Secondly,the responsibility also lies in our education system.Although the country is calling for quality education,the effect is not obvious.Our education is still too much ex amination oriented.Both parents and teachers have attached great importance to scores ofstudents,rather than quality and morality of students.So students think it is not impor rant whether they respect their teachers or not. To solve this problem needs efforts of parents,schools and the government.Parents must pay more attention to moral education to their children;schools must stick to the government’s policy of quality education;and the government must put the policy of quali ty education to practice.I think with joint efforts of the whole society,such embarrassing situation could be eliminated at last,and the overall quality of Chinese students will be im proved.