第18题: [单项选择]Why does he like to travel A. Because he is often dissatisfied with what he has done. B. Because he doesn’t have other things to do in his spare time. C. Because he likes traveling very much. 参考答案:A
第23题: [单项选择]超声检查有时把胆囊炎患者的胆总管外的淋巴结误诊为胆总管结石,最可能是哪种伪像引起() A. 旁瓣伪像 B. 镜面伪像 C. 棱镜伪像 D. 部分容积伪像 E. 声速伪像 参考答案:D 答案解析:部分容积伪像:病灶尺寸小于声束束宽,或虽然大于束宽,但部分处于声束内,则病灶回声与正常组织的回声重叠,产生部分容积效应。