第13题: [单项选择]If you had made good preparations before, you ( ) about the coming examination now. A. would not be worried B. would not have worried C. could not be worried D. could not have been worried 参考答案:A 答案解析:
第31题: [单项选择]第八组: 患者,男性,68岁。突发腹痛伴停止排气排便 1日,未呕吐。查体:腹膨隆且不对称,以左下腹为著,并可触及压痛,肠鸣音7次/分,移动性浊音(-),指诊直肠空虚,指套无血迹,既往有便秘史多年,无糖尿病、冠心病史。 如患者术后第一天发现腹部饱胀,肠鸣音弱,则应考虑的可能情况 A. 肠瘘 B. 肠粘连 C. 尿潴留 D. 低钾血症 E. 以上均有可能 参考答案:E