第3题: [单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that parents employ young mannies______. A. to take care of children only B. to catch on with fashion C. to find a handsome male model for their children to imitate D. to set a good example for their children to follow 参考答案:D 答案解析:推论题 本题要求考生推导出家长聘用年轻的男性保姆的目的何在。根据文章第三段第二句话的后半部分“but more often as active role models to coax their c
第11题: [单项选择]女孩,1岁,家长发现其脐部有一卵圆形局限性包块,直径约1.5cm,无创面,平卧或安静时消失,哭闹时复现,触之可顺利还纳腹腔,可听到气过水声,脐环直径1.0cm,哭闹时指端感觉明显冲击在下列哪项中不正确() A. 可不做任何处理待其自行闭合 B. 可暂不做处理,2岁以上再采取措施 C. 立即行脐疝修补术 D. 可采用粘膏法减少腹壁向两侧的张力,使疝环逐渐缩小 E. 用线布压迫外突的脐环和绷带紧扎法不能达到辅助自愈的目的 参考答案:C