第9题: [多项选择] {$mediaurl} Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they support points made in the reading. 参考答案:Key points: . The lecture states that any kind of stimulation of the young shortly after birth will affect the rate of growth and the resistance to stress. Stimulation can have positive or negative results. This supports the point in the reading that the influence of environmental factors is particularly effective during the formative stages of life. It also supports the point that early influences can have favorable or unfavorable effects on the young organism’s development. . The lecture states that malnutrition early in life can have lifelong consequences; for example, deer born when food is scarce will remain relatively small, even if their adult diet improves. This supports the point in the reading that environmental factors exert such a strong influence on development that some physical characteristics are difficult or impossible to change later in life. . The lecture states that the eating habits acquired early in life tend to last throughout life; for example, rats that are used to eating a low-protein diet will continue to do so by choice. This supports the point in the reading that environmental factors exert such a strong influence on development that some mental characteristics are difficult or impossible to change later in life. . The lecture states that poor nutrition in children affects their mental development and their ability to learn in school. This supports the point in the reading that environmental factors affect learning ability and behavioral patterns in the young. (D.A-D.E) 答案解析:[解析] Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a biology class. We’ve learned a lot a
第25题: [单项选择]患儿,男,4岁,反复浮肿3月。尿蛋白(+++),镜检(-),尿蛋白定量>250mg/(kg·d),血白蛋白20g/L,胆固醇>5.7mmol/L。证见五心烦热,面色潮红,口干唇赤,腰膝酸软,汗多便干,脉弦细数。其诊断是() A. 急性肾炎,湿热内侵证 B. 急性肾炎,风水相搏证 C. 肾病综合征,脾肾阳虚证 D. 肾病综合征,肝肾阴虚证 E. 急性肾炎,肝肾阴虚型 参考答案:D