第5题:[单项选择]<br><br><br/>A.job<br/>B.work<br/>C.hour<br/>D.day<br/>参考答案:B 答案解析:根据前一句“Most workers are paid by the hour or by the day.”指大多数员工是按时计酬的,本句的however表示转折,提出了员工的工作速度问题,而据mo
第6题: [多项选择]下列哪种血气变化可使颅内压下降() A. Pa02升高 B. Pa02下降 C. PaCO2下降 D. PaCO2升高 E. Pa02下降、PaC02升高 参考答案:A, C
第11题: [单项选择]Movies are often held up as either the paragons or pariahs of our society at large; towering achievements on the one hand and endless()on the other. A. wallows B. accomplishments C. awards D. extravagance 参考答案:A 答案解析: