第7题: [单项选择]This state research program is made up of two funds, ______ could last for two years. A. the larger one B. the larger of which C. the largest one D. the largest of which 参考答案:B 答案解析:两项基金之间进行比较,用比较级;从句由which引导。
A. When compared B. Compare C. While comparing D. Comparing 参考答案:A 答案解析:非谓语动词题。由于句子主语the difficulty和非谓语动词之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应该采用过去分词的形式,排除选项[C]和[D],选项[B]则不合语法,因为不能存在两个既不是并列也不是从属
第29题:[单选题] ________ intermediation means that small investors can pool their funds with other investors to purchase high face value securities. A. Liquidity B. Financial C. Denomination D. Share 参考答案:C
第31题: [单项选择]女性,38岁,已婚,农村妇女,2年来常感下腹部隐痛不适,12h前突起转移性有下腹痛,伴恶心,呕吐、发热,查右下腹明显压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张。血常规;wBc16xlo,/L,N0.88。尿常规无特殊异常。经直肠和阴道指诊发现波动性肿块向阴道突出,有触痛。此时采用何种治疗方法最恰当() A. 大剂量抗生素 B. 热水坐浴,会阴部理疗 C. 经阴道后穹隆切开引流术 D. 经腹腔脓肿切开引流术 E. 经直肠脓肿切开引流术 参考答案:C