第26题: [多项选择]新闻与我们的日常生活息息相关。报纸、杂志、广播、电视这些大众传播工具,是我们认识周围事物的耳目。踏人21世纪,我们虽然已经走在高速信息公路上,可以借助因特网获取资讯,然而,就功能和特征,受众的接受程度以及传播信息的方式来说,传统的大众传播工具仍旧发挥着重要的作用。 参考答案:News is closely related to our daily life. Such mass media as newspapers, magazines, radio and television are our means to know the world around us. Having entered the BAth century, we are "walking" on the information highway and acquire information by means of the Internet. But traditional mass media still play a very important role as far as their functions and features, the receiver’s receptivity and the way information is spread are concerned.