第2题: [简答题]The cheese burger didn’t order onions. 参考答案:The subject "cheeseburger" has no acting power and can not perform any actions. The agent should be the person who ordered the cheeseburger. But the sentence is understandable although "cheeseburger" is placed in the subject’s position because we think in a metonymic way. Such an expression might be used when the cheeseburger is served to the person who did not order one with onions.
第4题: [单项选择]有关对施工项目安全管理的叙述中,说法不正确的是()。 A. 建立谁负责施工、谁必须管安全的制度 B. 施工期间注意对各种电气设备和机械设备的保护 C. 施工现场的临时电力系统,可以利用大地作相线或作零线 D. 重视施工现场的安全防火,制订切实有效的防火措施,杜绝一切隐患 参考答案:C
第11题: [单项选择]男,3岁,12kg,先心病室缺,在体外循环下行室缺修补术。术后回病房以呼吸机支持,生命体征平稳。术后第一天晨停呼吸机,自主呼吸26次/分,吸氧,SpO295%,1小时后,发现患儿呼吸困难,烦躁,SpO2下降至60%,吸痰管吸痰,进入10cm深度后有阻力,未吸出任何分泌物。立即的处理是 A. 检查气管导管位置 B. 加压给氧 C. 换吸痰管再吸痰 D. 给镇静药 E. 立即换气管导管 参考答案:E 答案解析:气管导管堵塞。
第37题: [单项选择]The teacher asked a very difficult question, but finally Ted______ a satisfactory answer. A. came with B. came up C. came up with D. came up for 参考答案:C 答案解析:come up with am answer做出回答,固定搭配。