第16题: [单项选择]下列不符合乳腺癌的描述是()。 A. 多来源于导管上皮细胞 B. 多发生于外上象限 C. 以腺癌多见 D. 多数为实性癌 E. 不发生直接蔓延 参考答案:E 答案解析:乳腺癌沿乳腺导管直接蔓延,可累及相应的乳腺小叶腺泡,或沿导管周围组织间隙和筋膜浸润到脂肪组织,甚至侵入胸大肌及胸壁。
第25题: [单项选择]A. She will return it to the store. B. She will have it checked. C. She will refer to the book. D. She will have it replaced. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] M: Your computer makes such a loud noise. I guess it must be something wrong. You’d better