第15题: [单项选择]A) He has done what he shouldn’t. C) He has done as much as he could. B) He has done more than enough. D) He hasn’t done as much as he could. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Mr. David, you are such a nice young man and you have been taking good care of me ever
第20题: [单项选择]对输入动物产品和其他检疫物经检疫不合格的,下列处理方式正确的是() A. 由口岸出入境检验检疫机关通知货主或者其代理人作禁止入境处理 B. 由口岸出入境检验检疫机关签发《检疫处理通知单》,通知货主或者其代理人作除害、退回或者销毁处理 C. 由口岸出入境检验检疫机关直接作除害、退回或者销毁处理 D. 由口岸出入境检验检疫机关签发《检疫处理通知单》,对输入动物产品和其他检疫物在指定地点隔离观察 参考答案:B