第1题: [多项选择]Making a formal presentation 正式演讲 No comment 无可奉告 参考答案:I’m not in a position to make comments on this. I’ll deal with this later, if I may, but for now... I’ll come back to this question later in my talk. I won’t comment on this now... We’ll be examining this question in more detail later on.
第4题: [单项选择]幼儿食物的质地宜( )。 A. 细、软、碎、烂 B. 细、硬、碎、烂 C. 细、软、整、烂 D. 细、软、碎、断生 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 幼儿膳食要求 [解析] 幼儿的食物应单独制作,质地应细、软、碎、烂,避免刺激性强和油腻的食物。食物烹调时还应具有较好的色、香、味、形,并经常更换烹调方法,以刺激小儿胃酸的分泌,促进