第15题: [多项选择]晒过的被子有一种芳香的干爽味,是那些把衣服拿到洗衣店然后取回来安心穿在身上的人嗅不出来的。酒店最令我不安的是那些没晒过的被子和床单,每一次都让我皮肤过敏,甚至不能入睡。 而我却又最怕阳光,在太阳光底下晒10分钟,脸上的雀斑立刻如山洪暴发。每天出门前都涂上防晒霜,才能安心见温柔的太阳。要真是艳阳天的话,我会抖擞全身勇气躲在伞底下,然后以最快速度躲入室内。 每一件细碎琐事都充塞着这般爱恨和矛盾。我爱阳光来晒被,自身又要躲开它。 参考答案: A sunned quilt gives out a sweet freshness which goes unnoticed by those who comfortably wear clothes machine-washed in a laundry. To me, the never-aired quilts and sheets are the most unacceptable aspect of a hotel. Every time, they make my skin break out in an allergic rash, sometimes even robbing me of my sleep. Yet I am most afraid of sunshine. Ten minutes in bright sunshine is sure to bring a flood of freckles to my face. Therefore, I have to apply suntan oil before facing the warm and gentle sun. If it is a scorching day, I would pluck up my courage and take shelter under an umbrella, then dash as fast as I can inside the building for protection.
第29题: [单项选择]10月女婴,腹泻呕吐2天,大便每日10余次,稀水样便,呕吐每日6、7次,10小时无尿,来院急诊。查体:精神萎糜,呼吸较深长,皮肤弹性极差,四肢凉,皮肤有花纹,脉略细速,测血钠125mmol/L(125mEg/L)ABE-15该患儿体重7.7kg,应先用哪组液体补充他的累积损失最合适5%葡萄糖液(ml)10%盐水(ml)5%碳酸氢钠(ml)() A. 500;20;33 B. 750;45;70 C. 750;30;50 D. 500;15;24 E. 750;22;36 参考答案:C