第19题: [多项选择]根据有关规定,下列各项中,属于经纪类证券公司可以从事的业务的有( )。 A. 证券投资咨询 B. 证券代保管、鉴证 C. 受托投资管理 D. 证券的代理买卖 参考答案:B,D 答案解析:[解析] 经纪类证券公司只能从事证券的代理买卖,代理证券的还本付息、分红派息,证券代保管、鉴证和代理登记开户等证券经纪业务。
第33题: [单项选择]Passage1
Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. under a piece of stone. B. Under the window. C. In the kitchen. D. Near the living-room. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
Where did the speaker put his key
[关键词句]I had left the key under a st