第3题: [单项选择]女,40岁,有慢性肾盂肾炎史,近3年血压升高,晨起眼睑水肿,问 根据何化验可诊断肾盂肾炎( )。 A. 内生肌酐清除率为70ml/分 B. 尿镜检白细胞>15个/高倍镜视野 C. 尿蛋白(++) D. 尿颗粒管型少许 E. 血压20/12kPa(150/90mmHg) 参考答案:B 答案解析:[知识点] 肾盂肾炎的临床表现和有关检查
A. in the hypothalamus B. between the brain and the spinal cord C. in the transmitter nerve cells D. between the hypothalamus and the brain 参考答案:B 答案解析:第二段中指出...the brain stem,which joins the brain to the top of the spinal cord...即脑干连接brain与 spinal cor