第6题: [简答题]it is/Baidu/licensed digital music/recently/announced/to provide/that/cooperating/with /three major/international record companies 参考答案:Baidu recently announced that it is cooperating with three major international record companies to provide licensed digital music.
第18题: [单项选择]髋关节脱位() A. 可用手牵足蹬法复位 B. 3个月内患肢禁止负重 C. 患肢缩短外旋畸形 D. 以横形"8"字绷带固定 E. 重者可伴发患肢缺血性挛缩 参考答案:B
第19题: [单项选择]我国现存最早的完整本草是( ) A. 《神农本草经》 B. 《新修本草》 C. 《证类本草》 D. 《图经本草》 E. 《本草纲目》 参考答案:C 答案解析:[知识点] 历代重要本草著作简介
第20题: [单项选择]患儿,男,6岁,反复咳嗽和喘息发作6个月,夜间为甚。体检:肺内哮鸣音和粗湿啰音,余无异常发现。胸部X线片提示肺纹理增多,外周血WBC7×109/L,N0.50,L0.38,E0.12。最佳治疗方案是() A. 呼吸道吸入糖皮质激素 B. 口服糖皮质激素 C. 静脉滴注糖皮质激素 D. 长期使用β2受体激动剂 E. 发作时使用白三烯受体拮抗剂 F. 静滴丙种球蛋白 参考答案:A
第27题: [简答题]part 2 & 3
Describe a website.
What is the advantage of Internet
What effect has the internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other
What kind of people uses Internet the most
What do you think of shopping on line