第9题: [单项选择]制定城市、镇控制性详细规划的基本程序为( )。 A. 编制工作报告经同意后,开展组织编制总体规划的工 B. 组织编制机关按规定报请总体规划纲要审查 C. 组织编制机关对现有城镇体系规划实施情况进行评估,对原规划的实施情况进行总结,并向审批机关提出修编的申请报告 D. 组织编制机关委托具有相应资质等级的单位承担具体编制工作 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题主要考核的是制定城镇体系规划的基本程序。即: (1) 组织编制机关对现有城镇体系规划实施情况进行评估,对原规划的实施情况进行总结,并向审批机关提出修编的申请报告; (2) 经审
第34题: [多项选择]You have received a birthday gift from a friend of yours. Write a note to acknowledge the gift and express your thanks. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 参考答案:Dear Linda, What a surprise it is to get the birthday gift from you. I’m very happy to have your wishes. And the gift is so pretty, that I really love it. In fact, I’m going to give a birthday party tomorrow evening at home. I’d like you to come. Thank you again for the gift and your good wishes.