[单项选择]1999年4月南方某大型湖泊1800亩水面泛起了一片片死鱼,湖水呈黑色,空气中弥漫着难闻的臭味,使人感到呼吸困难,头昏、恶心等。 若对此次事件进行现场调查,除向当地居民调查询问外,必须进行实验室检测的样本是 A. 死鱼和岸边土壤 B. 受污染的湖水和死鱼 C. 受污染的湖底淤泥 D. 岸边土壤和受污染的湖底淤泥 E. 受污染最严重的湖区空气
第8题: [单项选择]Passage OneA. They required some kids to do some physical examinations. B. They asked parents about their kids’ sleeping condition. C. They tried to single out the overweight child. D. They interviewed the sixth graders from entire country. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] What did Lumeng attd colleagues do at the be ginning of their study