第17题: [简答题]We were glad to learn from your letter of 18th July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment. 参考答案:
第35题:[单选题]【A1型题】下列不属于春温后期邪留阴分证的表现是 A. 夜热早凉 B. 能食形瘦 C. 汗出热退 D. 舌红少苔 E. 脉沉细略数 参考答案:C 春温后期邪留阴分证可见夜热早凉,热退无汗。 试题类型: 考试题难度: 简单难度系数: 0.8 关键词:住培考核/住院医师(中医)/公共理论/中医经典导读/伤寒论