第15题: [单项选择]深昏迷区别于浅昏迷最有价值的特点是 A. 无任何自主运动 B.全身反射消失 B. 不能被唤醒 C. 大小便失禁 D. 肌肉松弛 参考答案:B 答案解析:因为浅昏迷患者吞咽反射,咳嗽反射,角膜反射等均存在,对痛刺激有反应;而深昏迷对痛刺激反应丧失,各种生理和病理反射均消失。故选B。
第37题: [单项选择]For an English family, the husband's duty is______. A. supporting the family while the wife is financial B. defending the family while the wife is running the home C. financial while the wife is running the home D. independent while the wife is dependent 参考答案:C 答案解析:[分析] 从文中可找出关键句“ The man's first duty…”和“responsible for her financial support”,此句意思是“男人应是女人的财政支柱”,注意