第5题: [单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a contributory factor to thermoregulation in the preterm neonate A. Immature central nervous system (CNS). B. Large skin surface area. C. Lack of subcutaneous (SC) and brown fat. D. Tendency toward capillary fragility. 参考答案:D 答案解析:Tendency toward capillary fragility has nothing to do with thermoregulation. The hypothalamus is the
第35题: [单项选择]以下各项腹股沟斜疝与直疝的鉴别点中,最有意义是() A. 发病年龄 B. 突出途径 C. 疝块形状 D. 疝内容物有无进入阴囊 E. 还纳疝内容物后,压迫深环疝内容物能否再突出 参考答案:E 答案解析:斜疝的临床表现与鉴别:①斜疝:儿童、青壮年多见,经腹股沟管突出,椭圆形或梨形,回纳疝块后压住内环疝块不再突出,透光试验不透光,易发生肠梗阻表现;②直疝:多见于老年男性,经腹股沟三角突出,半球形,基底较