第7题: [单项选择]正常血乳酸波动范围是() A. 0.3~0.6mmol/L B. 0.6~1.2mmol/L C. 1.2~1.6mmol/L D. 1.6~2.0mmol/L E. 2.0~3.0mmol/L 参考答案:B 答案解析:考查血乳酸的正常值范围,正常血乳酸波动在0.6~1.2mmol/L这一狭窄范围,空腹时较餐后低,运动后可一时升高,但很快可恢复正常。
第33题: [单项选择]Give a wide berth to the breakwater means(). A. to keep clear of the breakwater B. that there is much berth space near the breakwater C. Don't drop anchor too close to the breakwater D. to keep the breakwater within sight 参考答案:A