第3题: [单项选择]What is the root cause of serious social disturbance in less developed countries A. Violent social change. B. Military overthrow. C. Nationalism. D. Fundamentalist religious movements. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[B][C][D]都是社会动荡的形式和表现方式,并不是根本原因。从最后一段可以分析得出结论:社会的巨变才是动荡的主要根源。
A. impatience B. impulse C. incentive D. initiative 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 近形近义题。看到新鲜的水果,人们自然会有想要吃的冲动,[B]impulse意为“冲动,一时的念头”,符合题干语义要求。故为答案。[A]impatience意为“不耐烦,急躁”;[C]ince
第12题: [单项选择]A. She was as great as the author Alice Walker. B. She was not a good model for career-oriented women. C. She has the qualities as the First Lady. D. She was very popular among students. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] Q: What did the students think of Barbara Bush
第26题: [单项选择]下面对“扬州八怪”理解有误的是( )。 A. 以金农为首的,一批聚集在扬州的书画家 B. “扬州八怪”均为扬州人 C. “扬州八怪”中郑板桥擅画兰竹图 D. “扬州八怪”是清代中期最著名的书画流派 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] “扬州八怪”是中国清代中期活动于扬州地区一批风格相近的书画家总称,李玉棻《瓯钵罗室书画过目考》中所记载的“八怪”为罗聘、李方膺、李鱓、金农、黄慎、郑燮、高翔和汪士慎。扬州八怪并不都是扬州人,