第5题: [单项选择]Four members walked out of the session, with the result that the committee did not have a ______ and would not take any decisions. A. babe B. backbone C. quorum D. apartheid 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] quorum“法定人数委员会或组织最少人数的官员或成员,通常要达到多数,必须出席,以确保事务处理的有效性”符合题意。babe婴孩,天真而不知世故的人;backbone骨干,中坚;aparth
第15题: [单项选择]酸雨的危害不包括 A. 使土壤酸化 B. 使植物叶绿素增多 C. 使鱼贝类死亡 D. 增加农作物中的有害物质含量 E. 腐蚀建筑物 参考答案:B
第16题: [填空题]
A.by keeping its original shape and color B.in the life of cut
flowers C.to produce carbon dioxide D.for as long as possible E. by
controlling temperature F. to replace the water and solution every day
A few simple facts will help you keep cut flowers ______. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 文章主要讲的是怎样保持切花的寿命及新鲜度。所以该题应该选择D。