第7题: [单项选择]患者女,50岁,不小心造成手指外伤1周,当时未处理。后逐渐伤口处溢脓,发热,并感张口困难。患者轻度烦躁不安,体温39.1℃,脉搏105次/分,神志清楚,口只能张开一半。WBC://16×10/L。应考虑的诊断是()。 A. 化脓性脑膜炎 B. 败血症 C. 破伤风 D. 脓毒败血症合并颅脑转移性脓肿 E. 败血症并破伤风 参考答案:E 答案解析:破伤风潜伏期长短不定,通常为7~8天。在接受过抗毒素预防性接种的患者,可能延长至数周。个别的可短至1~2天。常有坐立不安与烦躁易怒的前驱期。首发运动性症状常为牙关紧闭,颈部肌肉强直可能在其后或其前发生
A. were welcomed with hospitality. B. far outnumbered other minorities. C. arrived mostly in the 1870s. D. were met with obvious hostility. 参考答案:A 答案解析:从第一句“By the l870s the easygoing cordiality that greeted the first Chinese in America had been replac
第30题: [单项选择]种植上部结构的辅助构件转移杆又称() A. 印模帽 B. 六角转移器 C. 取模桩 D. 桩帽 E. 以上都是 参考答案:E
第38题: [单项选择]What is the probable relationship between the two speakers A. Whether they should go for a holiday. B. Where they should go for a holiday. C. How they could save enough money for a holiday. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 推理题。从对话We are not talking about whether we can have a holiday.We are talking about where and wh