第15题: [单项选择]"火为阳邪"的特性是() A. 开泄 B. 黏滞 C. 火热 D. 炎上 E. 凝滞 参考答案:D
第16题: [单项选择]关于花斑癣,正确的描述是 A. 剧烈瘙痒 B. 多发于手足 C. 皮损为红斑、斑块 D.冬季易发 D. 愈后有色素减退 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解析] 花斑癣多无主观症状,偶有轻痒,好发于多汗的部位;如躯干、腋窝、腹股沟,大腿及面颈部亦可发生。原发皮损为黄豆大小斑疹,无炎症,上覆极细微发亮的鳞屑,呈皮色、灰黄色或棕褐色甚至黑色。去除鳞屑,留
第34题: [填空题]The Businessman of the Century, according to the passage, should be one whose influence was felt in the past, and is still felt today, one that has headed a large enterprise and one that comes from an industry representing the feature of his age. 参考答案:Y 答案解析:细节题。该题阐述的内容概括了文章第四段的内容。该段第一句"How to pick one to stand above the rest " (如何选择这位鹤立鸡群的人物呢)是主题句。接着,文章的二、