第9题: [多项选择]有人说,阅读决定着一个民族思维的深度和广度,对文化传承、国家发展有着重要的意义。已有专家指出,如果仅仅满足于“浅阅读”,对于国家和人民将是灾难性的。这就是为什么在高科技浪潮中,很多网络发达的国家反而更强调传统式阅读。近年来,很多国家都把提倡阅读、提升阅读能力列为教育改革的重点,通过实施这些措施努力唤起“深阅读”。 参考答案:It is stated that①reading determines how deeply and widely a nation can think②and it has significant implications for cultural inheritance and national development. It has been pointed out by some experts that it would be catastrophic for a country and its citizens if people in this country are merely satisfied with "shallow reading"③. That is why many countries with well-developed networks have attached greater importance to traditional reading④in the high-tech trends. Recent years, lots of countries have made advocating reading and improving reading skills the focus of education reform⑤, in an effort to arouse "deep reading". 答案解析:[解析] 1.有人说:译为It is stated that...,还可译作Someone says that...。 2.阅读决定着一个民族思维的深度和广度:译为reading det
第25题: [单项选择]以下哪部是我国古代的地理学巨著( ) A. 《太平广记》 B. 《梦溪笔谈》 C. 《天工开物》 D. 《水经注》 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 《太平广记》是宋代人编撰的一部书籍,取材于汉代至宋初的野史小说及释藏、道经等和以小说家为主的杂著,属于类书。《梦溪笔谈》是北宋的沈括所著的笔记体著作,收录了沈括一生的所见所闻和见解,属于笔记