第24题: [单项选择]流感病室用食醋熏蒸消毒,每100m3空间食醋的用量为( ) A. 5~10ml B. 20~40ml C. 50~100ml D. 200~400ml E. 500~1000ml 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解析] 使用食醋熏蒸进行空气消毒时,每立方米用5~10ml,加热水1~2倍,加热熏蒸。用于流感、流脑病室的消毒,密闭门窗30~120分钟。
消防安全职责: A. 遵守消防法律法规,建立和落实消防安全管理制度 B. 明确消防安全管理机构或者消防安全管理人员; C. 组织开展防火巡查、检查,及时消除火灾隐患; D. 确保疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道畅通; 参考答案:ABCD
第30题: [单项选择]某化工厂(增值税一般纳税人),向一个体工商产销售化工产品取得价款60万元,用本厂汽车为客户运送收取了0.4万元运输费,又用20万元的化工产品抵偿前欠供货商货款。本月销项税额为( )。 A. 8.72万元 B. 11.62万元 C. 11.69万元 D. 11.68万元 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] (60+20+0.4)÷(1+17%)×17%= 11.68万元,用自产货物偿债,应视同销售纳税。
第33题: [简答题]在婚礼上,敬茶仪式(the tea ceremony)也是一种双方认识的方法。因为中国的家庭可以扩展,可能会有一二百人,在追求期没有介绍给某个人是完全可能的。在老一代那里,族长(patriarch)可能不只一个妻子,而且不是所有的家庭成员都关系密切(on good terms)。因此,在敬茶的时候,这对夫妇会给所有家庭成员敬茶,并正式称呼他们。喝茶象征着接受进入这个家庭,拒绝意思是反对婚礼,不过没有听过有拒绝的,因为这样会“丢脸”。老人会给新婚夫妇红包,而新婚夫妻会给未婚的年轻人们红包。 参考答案:
The tea ceremony during a wedding serves as a means for both parties to meet with each other. As Chinese families can be rather extended, and there may be one or two hundred people, it is entirely possible during a courtship to not have been introduced to someone. This was particularly true in older generations where the patriarch may have had more than one wife and not all family members were always on good terms. During the tea ceremony, the couple would serve tea to all family members and call them by their official title. Drinking the tea symbolized acceptance into the family, while refusing to drink symbolized opposition to the wedding and was quite unheard of since it would result in a loss of "face". Older generations would give a red envelope to the matrimonial couple while the couple would be expected to give red envelopes to the unmarried younger ones.