第10题: [单项选择]A. It stays closed until summer comes. B. It will get business season in summer. C. It is busy all the year round. D. It provides quality service to their customers. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] M: It seems the restaurants here have little business these days. W: That’s true. But
第15题: [单项选择]I' m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it. A. if only B. in case C. until D. unless 参考答案:A 答案解析:[考点] 词义辨析。 [解析] 本题测试连词辨析。A.if only只要;B.in case万一;C.until至到……为止;D.unless除非。
第23题: [多项选择]关于票据背书,下列说法正确的有()。 A. 票据的背书人应当在票据背面的背书栏依次背书。背书栏不敷背书的,可以使用统一格式的粘单,粘单上的第一记载人,应当在票据和粘单的粘接处签章 B. 背书不得附有条件。背书附有条件的,所附条件不具有票据上的效力 C. 已背书转让的票据,背书应当连续,持票人以背书的连续,证明其票据权利 D. 票据背书转让时,由背书人在票据背面签章、记载被背书人名称和背书日期。背书未记载日期的,视为在票据到期日前背书 参考答案:A, B, C, D